Re: [FT] Machine People
From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <s_schoon@p...>
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 17:57:26 -0700
Subject: Re: [FT] Machine People
>Then we have "SV type 2", which isn't what I'm trying for.
Fair enough.
>As described thus far, the Machine People use Mass Pools which
>are divided into the effects available. Thus a Mass 100 ship
>might have:
>Hull Pool 40 (Default: 30 hull + 10 armor)
>Drive Pool 30 (default: MD4 + FTL)
>Energy Weapon Pool 25 (default: 5 PDS plus 20 mass of Beam2 and
>Sensor Pool 5 (default: 3 FC, 1 ADFC)
At first glance:
1) Have the Hull pool be all hull initially - I'd say that armor would
to be fabricated, but at an accelerated rate, like deconstruct 10 hull &
then make 10 armor out of it - rather than 1 point at a time.
2) Drive pool works for me, though to add to it, would you deconstruct
weapons and then add to the drives? That's what I would guess, but I
be wrong.
3) Say a percentage of the Weapons Pool (I wouldn't call it the Energy
Pool) is PDSs, but after that, things get more dicey. I'd say that there
would be a default percentage for each beam type (like 25%/50%/25%) with
zero of the given weapon if the result is less than the MASS for the
4) Sensor Pool: kill the ADFC, If they need it, they can build it. Your
could thus reduce the percenytage to 3%, which is closer to existing
>To change a system, you use DCP (perhaps 1 per 2 Mass?) to take
>it apart; on the next turn, you can attempt to build something
>else, of the same or lesser mass, with a regular DCP roll.
OK, your MASS 100 ship would have 5 DCPs. So it could deconstruct 10
per turn if it did nothing else with them. Construction should them also
require a number of DCP per MASS, with multiples adding to the chance of
getting it done.
If kept at 1 per 2 MASS, then you could work on 5 MASS of Class 2
with all of them with a better chance of success.
Have I got this more or less the way you intended?