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BG corrections... Re: The GZG Digest V2 #36

From: devans@u...
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 07:49:15 -0500
Subject: BG corrections... Re: The GZG Digest V2 #36

I caught the episode "The Hand of God" yesterday, where Galactica took
on a
Cylon base star. From the episode the Galactica has no missile armament,
large number of PDAF/ class-3's, and several much larger forward guns.
Galactica carries 2 squadrons (Red and Blue), with a 3rd Squadron
taken on in later episodes from the Battlestar Pegasus. The squadrons
to be standard USN 12 ship squadrons, so Galactica would have 4 fighter
squadrons, increased to 6 in later episodes (which caused problems as it
more fighters than she was designed to carry).

Do we have a good feel for how large a BG squadron is? I had the feeling
they were as large as two or three FT squadrons.

I think it was the episode with the Pegasus that BG is passing between
Basestars, and firing large missles at each. I believe the footage was
actually NASA film of rocket stage separations.


-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

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