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Re: Light may break its own speed limit

From: Tony Christney <tchristney@h...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 17:56:05 -0700
Subject: Re: Light may break its own speed limit

>Michael Sarno wrote:
>>	However, it still seems that INFORMATION has been transmitted at
>>  superluminal speed.  According to the special theory of relativity,
>>  should be no effect from the laser pulse that exits the cesium 
>>chamber faster
>>  than the speed of light.
>	I believe that *seems* is the operating word.
>	Even the scientists who did the experiment say that
>	no information was transmitted FTL.

However, they also say that a light pulse of identical shape
to the incoming pulse exited the chamber, so, it would seem that
the information regarding the shape of the transmit pulse is
being transmitted faster than light. It has been known for a
while that information can travel faster than light, by the
mechanism of quantum entanglement. This experiment would seem
to be of more practical import, however.

It is important to note that special relativity is not necessarily
being violated. SR makes statements regarding the speed in light
in vacuo (to use Einstein's vocabulary.) It is an interesting
feat to make light travel faster than it does in vacuo nonetheless.
It would have to involve some interesting values for the magnetic
permeability and di-electric permittivity, for example. The
mention of decreased intensity may indicate that one of them is
negative, for instance. There is no physical law preventing this,
as far as I know.

Still an interesting development!

Tony Christney

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