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Re: [FT] FB2 Balancing Corrections Proposed

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@d...>
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 14:01:45 +1000
Subject: Re: [FT] FB2 Balancing Corrections Proposed

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <>

> I still don't think you have a leg to stand on here, and I think
> Brendan is reacting to the Phalon weapons just like the general FT
> community reacted to the SMs two years ago - ie., with an temporary
> bout of panic before proper counter-tactics have been worked out.

We shall see on this one. I agree that we should wait, but think a bit
playtesting wouldn't do any harm.

Thanks for the details of your long and very informative post BTW.
The bits I found particularly interesting were:

> I fought four playtest battles with all-C fleets, two each in July and
> October. What happened was that the non-C ships managed to stay
> the Pulser-C range until the all-C force was reduced to a managable
> size and finished them off after taking some losses.

> OK. In my experience (ie., with higher speeds and more space in which
> to maneuver) the all-round arc alone doesn't compensate for the 12mu
> range even when the enemy doesn't deliberately keep the range open. If
> the enemy *does* try to keep the range open, I'd fully expect you to
> lose about one-third of your fleet before you can fire a single shot.

> Note that the NAC now have *more* close-range
> dice than the Phalons at all ranges, after only one turn of shooting
> the 12-24mu bracket.

This is very much contrary to my own experience. I've found that closing
range to 12" is not that difficult. What _is_ difficult is doing it
overshooting the target, and getting in the rear side arcs for both, or
he's in your rear side, you're in his front side. Often you go straight
25" to 11"
Maybe I've been playing KV too long :-)

> Question: Does anyone on the list know how large tables the CanCon FT
> competition uses? (Since Brendan Pratt is one of the organizers for
> that tournament, and it is his testimony which worries Alan :-/ )

6ft x 4ft

Attack 2750 pts, no more than 50% capitals
Defence 1800 pts, no more than 50% capitals
Patrol: 1200 pts, no capitals

VPs = No of opponents crew factors killed

Normally, there'd be 2 Attack vs Attack "No retreat, No surrender",
2 Attack vs Defence + Base Station, 1 Defence vs Defence in Nebula or
Asteroid field, 1 Patrol vs Patrol, 2 Patrol vs Patrol + Convoy, and one
two others (eg Have to deliver supplies in Orbit)

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