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Re: OT\DS2- Is this the world's most hideous AFV camouflage (Indian BMP-2)

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2000 19:26:14 -0400
Subject: Re: OT\DS2- Is this the world's most hideous AFV camouflage (Indian BMP-2)

"Bell, Brian K" wrote:
> I once did 2 tanks in concentric 1/2 circles. When the two tanks were
> side by side it made a bulls' eye with the center between the tanks.
> No one thought is was funny, though, so I repainted.	 (((   )))

	I remember something like that happened in WWI.
	The British Sopwith Camel had a pair of bull's eyes on
	their wings.  When a German airplane dived on the Camel,
	all the German pilot had to do was aim his guns to a point
	directly in between the two bull's eyes.  The British
	pilot was then treated to a hail of bullets.

	I saw some weird "op-art" painting schemes the British tried
	in order to defeat this.  They started by ensuring that the
	bull's eyes were NOT bilaterally symetrically placed,
	then added sloping diagonal stripes to make the German's eyes

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