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[FT] Ship design advice

From: "Joseph L. Poulin" <poulin@t...>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 22:01:51 -0700
Subject: [FT] Ship design advice

	I need to design a fleet to take part in a campaign game with FB
designs.  I want to make sure that it is balanced with the book designs
and fun to play.

	The capital ships I'm thinking about using have L2 screens, a
sized beam armament, and pulse torps.  What do you folks think about
using heavy screens with the new rules?  I just found the rule about any
rerolls bypassing screens, that makes them less attractive.  Are they
worth the weight?

	The opponents for this campaign are NAC, Romanov (using SM heavy
designs), and the Kemet (using mostly beam armed ships).  

	Whenever fighters have been used in the few games I have seen,
have always been slaughtered fairly early.  Is this normal?  Maybe they
weren't used correctly, as they don't seem to be worth their point
value, let alone the astronomical cost of the fighter bays.

	Here's one of the designs that I've come up with for an SDN -

	Points: 680 Mass: 200 Thrust: 4 Hull: Average FTL: Yes
	4x 3 arc Class 3
	2x 6 arc Class 2
	2x 3 arc Pulse Torp
	4x Fire Control
	6x PD
	1x ADFC
	6x Armor
	Level 2 Screens

	No fighters.  It will have an escort group of at least one
cruiser and a couple of destroyers.  

	I would love to hear any advice or critiques that you have.  


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