Re: [DS] Scenario Design for Cons
From: Brian Bell <bkb@b...>
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 10:21:35 -0400
Subject: Re: [DS] Scenario Design for Cons
This is what I did when I ran the Moonbase Xi
and for
ECC II. I set it on the moon. This limited many of the options (removed
GEV/Grav, Artillery, VTOL, smoke, fires, and limited infantry to one
(Power Armor)). This simplified the game tremendously (tanks and a few
infantry). My biggest mistakes was that I was unable to play test the
scenario enough. It was slightly lopsided. When I ran it again at
III, I had over-corrected slightly and the game was somewhat unbalanced
the other direction. I also found that moving terrain features a couple
inches can have a drastic effect on game balance (I moved a ridge too
to the goal, and one team was able to create an overwach with Size-5
tanks). However, both games were close enough to balanced that every one
appeared to have fun.
As someone else said setup can be a big killer. Bring several sets of
vehicle/infantry cards/sheets. Number your vehicles. I used small dots
I placed on the bottom of the vehicles/infantry stands. I also
pre-generated a chain of command and documented it on the unit sheets
saved the time of rolling to see if a leader got better or worse when a
leader is killed) [this got mixed reviews].
At 21:21 2000-06-23 -0700, you wrote:
>--- Don Greenfield <> wrote:
> > The recent posting regarding the West Coast con
> > reminds me that I'm
> > hoping to run a DS game at the con. Since I've
> > never been to a con, much
> > less run a game at one before, I'm looking for some
> > tips from the more
> > experienced folks out there.
> > First of all, how many players for a ground game
> > like DS make for a good
> > con game?
> I would suggest 4 or 6. You wish to remain
>sane afterward.
> > Secondly, what sort of force levels should I be
> > looking at?
> As a first effort, make things simple for
>yourself. Make a slightly undersized 2
>player game, double it using a slightly different
>force mix. (For 6, double initial force again.)
> > Any good general tips to running a game at a con?
> Keep things simple, make it quick, stay
>with a balanced force on both sides.
>Keep away from special/super/unusual weapons,
>you can lose contol to quickly if the players
>know thr rules better than you.
>Bye for now,
>John L.
Brian Bell
ICQ: 12848051
AIM: Rlyehable