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Launching fighter drones from savasku PODs

From: NGarbett@S...
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 12:13:31 -0400
Subject: Launching fighter drones from savasku PODs

Now before i start i may have the values wrong. But as the POD launcher
is the same mass as the Womb why not have a pod type of say  fighter POD
which can be launched as per the earlier posts, takes 1 whole turn to
costs 7 bio mass, 6 for fighters and 1 for POD casing and costs 12
of power, 6 for the fighters and 6 the next turn to launch the pod of
24 mu which then sheds its fighters for normal movement.


Nick Garbett
Senior Design Build Engineer
STS Systems (Europe) Ltd.
Tel : (+44) 0121 717 6817
Fax : (+44) 0121 717 6801

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