Re: Sa'Vasku starbases
From: Matthew Seidl <seidl@v...>
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 12:29:43 -0600
Subject: Re: Sa'Vasku starbases
On Tue, 6 Jun 2000 14:09:13 -0400 (EDT), Roger Books writes:
>I hadn't thought about it much, but an immobile Sa'Vasku starbase
>is the only one I've seen with a chance of working. You aren't
>going to outrange it, SMs can be made fairly useless, it can generate
Hmmm. Interesting idea. Only saves you 20% of the mass though, since
S'V drives are a flat 10%. So not that much better than a war ship.
Now, a 1200 mass sumer S'V ship scares the willies out of me, even if
it had drives. Class 8 beams or 9 beams? 200 dice at under 12"?
(based on a hull 5x the size of a Vas'Sa'Rosh)
-=- Matthew L. Seidl email:
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