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Unfortunately... Re: Measuring things...

From: devans@u...
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 09:51:33 -0500
Subject: Unfortunately... Re: Measuring things...

...this tends to break down to 'if you have problems with distances, use
hexes' kind of discussion; that, or just LEARN TO ESTIMATE. Can come
enough practice, I admit. I'd also admit I'm tired of waiting.

My problem is that it DOES tend to slow the game down. I know most folks
suggest it's not a big thing, but one of the things I hate about 40K(tm)
roll to hit, roll to wound, roll to save, roll to...

A friend sez 'What would you rather do, roll, look through tables?' No,
if it's not simple enough to roll, apply modifiers, and go on, it ain't

On the other hand, my distance estimation is soooo poor, I like the
just, I don't measure to more than one or two ships before I know where
going. When I was playing opposite some folks at a MageCon, and they'd
measured for the fifth time in their turn, and stood discussing plans, I
was ready to walk away from the table. They were having fun; I wasn't.

I'd have to say it's not a question of instrumentation, i.e., yes, the
equipment can do the measuring, but you shouldn't necessarily have the
to evaluate at your leisure. *shrug* Big YMMV there.

Let's leave it at 'please determine table conventions before you start

As an aside, I've been lurking, and wish to apologize to those folks who
replied to my questions. I promise to respond in detail shortly.


-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

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		    Roger Books 					
		    <books@mail.state.f        To:    
gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU 				>		       cc:			
		    Sent by:		       Subject:     Re:
Measuring things...					 
		    05/30/00 09:27 AM					
		    Please respond to					

On 30-May-00 at 10:23, Sean Bayan Schoonmaker (

> Thus, personally, I don't care to pre-measure for combat or movement.
> rather put my Mk. I eyeball to the test and simply PLAY.

Not that this is directed at anyone in particular, but have you noticed
that the people who are the most against pre-measurement often happen
to be the same ones who have no problems eyeballing distances?	To a
new wargamer the feeling is not only are they at a tactical disadvantage
but they are also at a severe "calibrated eyeball" disadvantage also.


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