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Re: Thoughts on FB3

From: Tony Francis <tony.francis@k...>
Date: Mon, 08 May 2000 16:44:42 +0100
Subject: Re: Thoughts on FB3

Sean Bayan Schoonmaker wrote:

> >* Some Spinal Mount Gun? The Wave Motion Gun might be OK, the Nova
Cannon is
> >right out! I'd prefer not to have either, but the UN SuperDread model
> >crying
> >out for one. *shrug*
> I'd rather not have this in FB3. It was unbalancing before, and I
don't see
> any change. However, if its mechanic were changed to something more
> quantifiable, it could be properly balanced.

I'd also like to see a spinal weapon of some sort - the EFSB style
weapon recently
discussed on the list would be a candidate.

> >Fleets
> >* NI - here we have a problem. There are a very nice range of New
> >ships
> >offered, but GZG don't make them. Perhaps we should let sleeping dogs
> ..and very nice ships they are. This wouldn't prevent Brigade from
> publishing something similar (Tony?)

It's something that's vaguely crossed my mind, but the not-so-little
matters of
copyright and intellectual property would need to be sorted out. It
would have to
be something along the lines of an 'Approved For Use With ...'
publication, and I
have no idea whether or not St^3 Jon would want to get into that area
(Jon ?).
Plus, of course, it would be out of date very rapidly given our tendency
to release
new models. And finally, we don't make NI ships, we make SemFed ones ;-)


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