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Re: Phalon ships

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@d...>
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 18:26:35 +1000
Subject: Re: Phalon ships

From: "Indy" <>

> And I was gonna say, other than a vague resemblance, I don't see
> male organs out of the Phalons 

Well I could have said...

That's a bit hard to swallow.
That they're Suckers for Punishment.
They're capable of stiff resistance, albeit a bit rigid in tactics.
Good for deep penetration raids, then a fighting withdrawal.

But fortunately, I didn't.

So long....

As you said, they're more into a Slugfest than anything else,
a mere bag o'Shells.. 

(Sound of repeated Bat blows and Narn expletives)

OK, that's my last post on the subject.

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