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Re: Centimeters

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 14:40:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Centimeters

On  3-May-00 at 13:35, Imre A. Szabo ( wrote:
> > You just have to use them differently.  Don't use them as an
> > punch, use them to finish off ships which are still combat affective
> > but down drive power.  Use them when you know your opponent _must_
> > go places.	Keep a few in reserve to keep your opponent guessing so
> > he has to go in non-optimal places for fear your SMs will be waiting
> > for him.
> >
> > Roger
> The problem here is that within an FSE fleet your primary weapons are
> and you can't compete within class two weapons range with unless you
> behind them (ie. you are following them in their aft 180).  This is
hard to
> due and why that game I played took 22 turns.  The problem with
> salvo where your opponents must go is that you have to be within SM
range to
> do.  At high speeds this is not easy to do while avoiding the the
> arc of enemy ships.  (Note I was fighting ESU.  Against lower thrust
> ships it should be easier.) 

I don't know, from the game I played against NAC recently I was able
to compete well in the range of class IIs.  It was in the Class III
range brackets that I was hurting.


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