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Re: OT: Best quote on gun control...

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 09:47:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: OT: Best quote on gun control...

First off, just so you know my stand, I am firmly against gun control.
At a minumum I believe most of the gun control laws are a direct
violation of the US Constitution and an amendment would need to be
made before any of these laws go into place, however...

On 28-Apr-00 at 07:54, Imre A. Szabo ( wrote:

> I'll do it agian if I believe it is needed.  If I am kicked off the
list, I
> will get a new e-mail provider (a free one) and be back on in less
> one day... 

You might check Sprints (and other ISPs) terms of service.  You are in
direct violation of a contract you made with them.  Since you feel you
do not need to conform to the purpose of this list, or your own word
with respect to your contract with Sprint, I don't see how anyone can
have any respect for your opinion.


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