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HiTech vs LoTech [DS2]

From: "Thomas.Barclay" <Thomas.Barclay@c...>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 11:36:42 -0400
Subject: HiTech vs LoTech [DS2]

One justification for the higher ROF for High Tech is "effective" ROF
being literal cyclic rate. That is to say, the High Tech vehicle can
more "effective" hits (each of which could be one shot whereas for Low
it takes 4 or 5 on average to score an effective hit). No one said (I
think) each of these shots is necessarily a single shot. 

Here's another interesting point: Can a stationary vehicle fire more

If the vehicle is Low Tech then perhaps it shouldn't be able to fire and
move in the same turn. Or some sort of sliding scale restricting
Then a lower tech tank has to chose between move or fight, whereas the
tech tank can move and fire, thus giving us the low tech force pinned in
place in order to shoot at their attacking high tech adversary (say
Gulf with me) and this means the high tech's combined arms can pound on
tech vehicles while they sit still. If both can move and fire, then the
in technology really isn't that significant and shouldn't be so costly.

In a system like this, speed and combined arms violence become the keys
victory for high tech. For low tech, picking your battlefields, and
to prevent the combined arms assault that will slay them. Or attacking
vast numbers using fire and manouvre - some units pinned in place
others closing. Thus you don't need higher ROF. 

Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist 
Defence Systems
xwave solutions
v: (613) 831 2018 x 3008

Alea iacta et pessimo resulto factura est.
Ave, Caesar! Te morituiri salutimas!   

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