UK Sabre CVR(T) type vehicle
From: db-ft@w... (David Brewer)
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 19:48:13 GMT
Subject: UK Sabre CVR(T) type vehicle
In message <> "Brian Bilderback"
> I was checking out the GHQ website, and they have a new British figure
> the SABRE. Can anyone tell me exactly what this is? From the picture,
> looks like a small, turreted recce vehicle, in the same vein as the
> Scorpion. Could someone on the list enlighten me? Thanks.
UK Forces no longer field Scorpions. All the Scorpions had their
76mm gun turrets pulled off and replaced with the turrets from
some old wheeled recce vehicles (I forget which) that were being
scrapped. These hybrids are called "Sabres".
They are not very different from Scimitars. They have the same
30mm RARDEN cannon and had a 7.62mm chaingun installed during the
refit. These are the same weapons used on the Warrior APC.
At least, this is what I recall from Jane's Armour and Artillery.
David Brewer