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Re: Detection by IR

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 20:14:29 -0400
Subject: Re: Detection by IR

Roger Books wrote:
> On 20-Apr-00 at 09:53, Brian Quirt ( wrote:
> >	 I'm basing this on an article from (I
> > that's the NG) that calculated that, with today's infrared
> > we could detect the Space Shuttle's manuvering thrusters firing in
> > asteroid belt, and the main engines firing significantly beyond
> I'm assuming this was with the caveat that we had to know where to
> look?

	No, you may not make that assumption.
	IIRC they were assuming a total sky sky scan.
	Check me on this.  Go to
	look up the newsgroup, and
	look for a thread called "He who radiates is lost"

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