Re: [DS] Specialist Elements
From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 12:34:53 +1200
Subject: Re: [DS] Specialist Elements
> Is it possible to create an infantry "weapons element" that has
GMS and APSW capability? I can understand a possible problem with
both weapons in a militia or line element, but I see no problem with
a powered infantry element where one figure has a GMS/L and another has
APSW. I'm figuring the point cost would be the basic element cost, plus
GMS/L cost, plus the APSW cost. So for a powered infantry element with
GMS/L(Basic) and an APSW it would be 40+20+10=70. Does this seem right?
Except for the fact that I use 4 points for APSW, yes. (40 + 20 + 4 =
As for a team including GMS/L and APSW, this seems a little odd. A GMS/L
takes 2 capacity points, a APSW takes another capacity point, while a PA
team requires 8 points of capacity. Perhaps your PA Team with these
is actually 2 points of capacity greater?
Also it seems a little too diverse. The APSW would require different
positioning to the APSW, I feel.
Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169