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Re: Hide-n-Seek in minis gaming

From: Michael Llaneza <imperialdispatches@y...>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 11:17:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Hide-n-Seek in minis gaming

--- wrote:
> So how did you make this work, Tom? Is it possible to have hidden
> without a ref? What do people
> think of the hidden units rules in DSII and SGII?
> Mike

I manage it very nicely: camo schemes. Khaki color scheme on the
based flocked to match the Geohex. A detechment moved into woods
(usually a
fistfull of lichen in our games) and left for a turn tends to be
forgotten by
my opponent. Then again, I've forgotten to move a detachment myself once
twice, but I'm still ahead on the whole scheme.

Michael Llaneza
see also
When they took the fourth amendment, I was quiet because I didn't deal
When they took the sixth amendment, I was quiet because I was innocent. 
When they took the second amendment, I was quiet because I didn't own a
Now they've taken the first amendment, and I can say nothing about it."

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