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Re: Active vs Passive

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 14:54:31 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Active vs Passive

On 13-Apr-00 at 14:52, Chris DeBoe ( wrote:
> Popeye said:
> I think the best model available for sci-fi sensors (active and
passive) is
>  modern day submarine warfare. No, the first detection by passive
> gives one a HUGE possible range reading, but the submarine can alter
> - 
> triangulate the target's passive signature and work out a firing
> over time. I think that is what would happen in space combat.
> Why bother?  There's no water to interfere with your comm, so just
send a
> message laser to your corvettes on either flank and get them to
> triangulate. 

Corvettes?  Corvettes?	We don't need no stinking corvettes.

Roger (trying to cover 5 worlds against two opponents and have an
       attack fleet on 5K points.  With maintenance costs I can afford
       no more than 2 bdn sized ships)

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