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Re: Hi can somebody give me an e-mail for Geohex, their site seems to be down

From: Tom Granvold <Thomas.Granvold@e...>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 10:03:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Hi can somebody give me an e-mail for Geohex, their site seems to be down

> Yeah, we're moving!  Internec seems to be having 
> problems getting our domain moved, so the site isn't 
> coming up.  But I'm still sending and receiving email.
> The new site will have a shopping cart program.
> KR, Geo-Hex

  Would you let us the location of the new site, and email address if
it changes also, once things settle down?

Tom Granvold		<>

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