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Re: MT missiles

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000 14:06:38 -0400
Subject: Re: MT missiles

>Where is it written that FB1 PDS take out MT missiles on 4-6?
>I had to defend that ruling the other night without it being
>written to show to the others, they were skeptical of my
recalling of
>Oerjan's post.

It isn't explicitly written.  The logic is, one MT missile is
one salvo.  If you roll a 6, you still only kill the one
missile.  This is not, perhaps, the ideal solution; for an
alternative go to Brendan's Honor Harrington rules--I don't
recall the URL but you should be able to get there from the Full
Thrust Web Ring, or from one of his posts within the last month.

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