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Re: MT missiles and point costs

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@A...>
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000 03:41:04 -0400
Subject: Re: MT missiles and point costs

I think it is quite simple:

Our leader--Jon Tuffley--simply likes all his ship things in

Donald Hosford

Reen-Shuler Adrian wrote:

> >>Maybe this is in the archives, but why do all weapon systems have
> >>same cost? They don't all seem equal.
> >Class-1 battery:		    3 points
> >3-arc Class-2 battery:	    6 points
> >6-arc Class-2 battery:	    9 points
> >1-arc Pulse Torpedo: 	  12 points
> >6-arc Pulse Torpedo: 	  18 points
> >Nova Cannon: 		  60 points
> >...etc.
> >I'm afraid don't quite see how you can say that "all weapon systems
> >have the same cost" - unless you mean to say that 3 = 6 = 9 = 12 = 18
> >= 60, but I seriously hope that you don't!
> I meant they all have the same cost per a given mass (i.e. massx3),
but the
> weapons don't seem equal for a given amount of mass. I guess I'll have
to be
> more specific in the future.
>  With vector (at least in my	experience), it's a rare day that 2 
> Class-2 batteries are worth the same points as 3  3-arc Class-2

(stuff snipped)

> Adrian

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