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Re: FB2 Status???

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 19:19:58 +0200
Subject: Re: FB2 Status???

Mike Miserendino wrote:

>>>I had done considerable playtesting with the new Kra'Vak and
>>>Sa'Vasku rules and wanted to post the details, but wonder if it's
>> Depends on which version of the new KV and SV rules you used <g>
>Apparently I'm a bit behind, so I guess I'll be busy when I get the 
>new book.

There were a flurry of changes fairly late, but IIRC the last big
changes were about three weeks ago.
>>>We liked the way the 
>>>Kra'Vak played a lot better, but still found the best defense with 
>>>human ships was using vector movement and plenty of missiles.  
>>That's interesting, since it is the direct opposite of my experience


>I guess it's partly based on who you play and their play style.  

I suspect it has more to do with the scattergun mechanics used. They
now have inherent ADFC ability which makes a huge difference,
particularly if you use the 3mu target acquisition radius for SMs in
Vector (which I think you should, considering the FB2 modifications to
the vector system in general).

Also, one of the scattergun versions had them fire 3 PDS dice instead
of killing 1d6 missiles/fighters (and no inherent ADFC) - if you used
that one, your results make perfect sense!

>>IME the NAC is the FB1 fleet which is best suited for anti-KV
>>operations (being fast enough to dodge and not wasting a lot of mass
>>on SMs :-/ ).
>Weird.  We found the NAC to be OK, but not great.  The NSL were 
>the least effective and got hurt big time with limited damage 
>potential from beam only ships.  The FSE faired the best with swarms 
>of missile salvos devastating the Kra'Vaks ships.

Weird is the word, yes... with the final (published) KV rules it takes
on average 4 SM salvoes on target to kill a KV DH (TMF 40), or 6
salvoes to kill a KV CL (TMF 60)... "devastating" looks a bit too
strong a word :-/

I'd be very interested in seeing more detailed battle reports from
these tests - if nothing else to try and figure out why they differ so
much from my results!


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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