Re: KV camo, was The Joys of Air Brushing.
From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000 11:10:29 -0400
Subject: Re: KV camo, was The Joys of Air Brushing.
Laserlight wrote:
> Allan Goodall remarked:
> >Other than that, if it's a cheap airbrush you won't be able to
> do any fine
> >work. But you could do a killer Kra'vak cammo on some Kra'vak
> FT ships.
> Such as? For my Happy Valley KraVak--I should stop calling them
> that or I'll get stuck with it, perhaps I'll court hubris and
> call them the Ki'Kas clan, or Ba'Das, or some such--I'm thinking
> to use metallic purple, dark metallic green, and bronze (using a
> brush brush, not an airbrush), but I have no particular pattern
> in mind. Anyone have brilliant suggestions? Photos?
Whatever scheme you end up with, don't forget to put yellow smiley
faces on them somewhere.