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[OT] Void - quickie review.....

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 14:29:55 +0100
Subject: [OT] Void - quickie review.....

Picked up a copy of the Void rules from new (ish...see below!) company
i-Kore at Salute yesterday, and have just been taking a look through it.
interesting little skirmish/small action SF set, which at first glance
seems to be a mix (rule-wise) of bits from Vor, Warzone, Kryomek and
Stargrunt (unsurprisingly, since Kryomek was based on Stargrunt in the
first place). Alternating squad activation, individual shots but
randomly allocated, all D10 based. There are army lists and points
for their own lines, but no points system to rate your own figures.
The background is quite detailed, though I can't comment further on it
as I
haven't had the time to read it.
Nice colour "catalogue" pages in the middle of the rulebook, and some
colour battle shots in the inside covers.
The crew behind i-Kore are largely ex-Target Games bods, but this is
perhaps a bit misleading - when you actually look at the names, it is
mainly The Two Johns (Robertson and Grant) and is thus much more of a
incarnation of Fantasy Forge and Grendel than it is of
There is a nice looking figure range attached to it all (plus a couple
resin walker vehicles and some scenic bits), with all the figures
to be GW size 28mm+; what's out so far include some snakelike aliens and
bunch of humans looking not dissimilar to the old Kryomek marines and
troops (Cyclos), plus some armoured marines that I suspect may have the
denizens of GW's Legal and IP Protection departments rubbing their scaly
little lawyerish claws in anticipation..... ;-)

I don't know how much they're charging for the rulebook, because at
they were giving it away free if you bought ANY item from their stall.
It'll be interesting to see how this works out; The Two Johns have a
(if rather mixed) track record in the industry, and the product line has
high production values, but from what I've seen many shops still have an
awful lot of Fantasy Forge, Grendel, Kryomek and Target stuff gathering
dust on the shelves or in the bargain bin after all this time......

Jon (GZG)

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