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Re: KV Language

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 09:34:48 +0100
Subject: Re: KV Language

>Laserlight wrote:
>> I've unaccountably misplaced the list of KV syllables and their
>> meanings that someone came up with.	Directions?
>> --Chris  DeBoe
>On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, chadtaylor wrote:
>(as soon as I can make up some 'Kra'Vak' sounding names).
><Big Snip>
>Here is the name scheme, we use.
>First Half:
>RA  =	Little, Small
>VA  =	Heavy, Large
>VO  =	Lurker
>LU  =	Sneak, Hider
>KA =  Raider, Thief
>DA =  Fast One, Swift One
>DI =  Little Death
>SI =  Rover, Walker
>KR =  Person (s)
>TI =  Battle, War
>KO =  Assault, Attack
>LO =  Great Death
>YU =  King, Ruler
>DO =  Follower
>Opitional third letter;
>A = Of
>O = From
>I = On
>U = To
>Second Half:
>First letter;
>S =  Sliver
>D =  Deadly
>T =  Dark
>K =  Armoured
>B =  Silent
>V =  Sorrow
>Second & Third letter;
>AK	 =  Flyer
>EK,OK	 =  Ship, Boat
>AS	 =  Landmass, Mountain
>OL	 =  Monster
>AN	 =  Mother, of Mother
>Ra'San fighters =  Light Sliver of Mother
>Va'San fighter =  Heavy Sliver of Mother
>Lu'Dak Intruder =  Sneak Deadly Flyer
>Ka'Tak Striker  = Raider Dark Flyer
>Da'Kak Frigate =  Swift one Armoured Flyer
>Di'Tok Destroyer =  Little death Dark Ship
>Vo'Bok Hunter Cruiser = Lurker Silent Ship
>Si'Tek Patrol Cruiser = Rover Dark Ship
>Va'Dok Heavy Cruiser =  Heavy Deadly Ship
>Ti'Dak BattleCruiser = War Deadly Flyer
>Ko'Vol Battleship =  Attack Sorrow Monster
>Lo'Vok BattleDreadnought =  Great death Sorrow Ship
>Yu'Kas SuperDreadnought =  Ruler Armoured Mountain
>Ko'San Fleet Carrier =  Attack Sliver Mother
>Do'San Tactial Carrier =  Follower Sliver Mother
>Ok, I am not a English Major, so don't flamme me because it doesn't
>known rules.
>Steven Arrowsmith
>This is a repost of the original message.
>Bye for now,
>John L.

In naming the KV ships in FB2, we've actually used a slightly modified
version of this list, at some time in the near future I'll try to post
modified version for everyone to look at. I tried to confirm via the
list a
few weeks back about who originally wrote this up, but no-one answered
so I
couldn't put a confirmed credit in the book (the list above, though from
Steven Arrowsmith, just says "this is what we use", so I didn't know if
originated it himself or if it was someone else he games with). I have
a general credit and thanks to all the people who have contributed ideas
the GZG list, so I hope this covers it!  ;-)

Jon (GZG)

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