Re: DS II: Just to make trouble
From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 22:05:57 +1200
Subject: Re: DS II: Just to make trouble
Steve wrote:
> Andrew wrote:
> > a 7.62mm MMG is a APSW, while a 12.7mm (0.50 cal) is most definitely
Heavy APSW.
> Both would be APSWs.
> "The term [APSW] is used here to cover such weapons in as conventional
Medium or Heavy Machine Guns..." - DSII p35
Unfortunately, it doesn't quite match the case of Israeli Zeldas which
0.50 cal HMG and 7.62mm MMG. In DSII plus my enhancements to APSWS, a
@ 1.5 capacity + APSW @ 0.5 capacity + 2 Squads @ 4 just fits VSC/2 and
matches the real world vehicle.
Andrew Martin
Reality checking...
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