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Re: GZG acronym hell

From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 08:34:55 -0500
Subject: Re: GZG acronym hell wrote:
> Is it just me, or does it strike anyone else as a bit funny that we
> stuff like:
> "Re: [ds] BB's HBT (was: RE: SG2 vs DS2 vs FT)"
> in our subjects...
> Can you imagine what a non-initiate must think...
> (NSA will be thinking we're transmitting some kind of simple
> code...)

Heh. I myself hadn't batted an eye at this. THen again, where I work,
this is nothing. (I work for CSC for AURA for NASA on HST in OPUS (which
is itself an imbedded acronym), a sub-department of ACDSD, dealing with
data from WF2, HSP, HRS, FOS, FOC, NICMOS, STIS and the FGS', using
various OPs to interface with DDF and DDF, as well as the MOC, FOT, and
PASSOPS (which has recently changed to CCS)).



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