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Re: Palming It Off (was RE: FT computer files page)

From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 15:53:10 -0500
Subject: Re: Palming It Off (was RE: FT computer files page)

From: Roger Books <>

>Well, I use Viewer III to store SSDs of my ships (made with the Gimp).
>I don't see a big market for a ship design program, I can find those
>other places.	What would be wonderful would be something like Viewer
>III that allowed you to mark off boxes.  I've considered writing this
>myself, but currently I'm writing a Perl module for handling ships
>and fleets in FB using GZF, but that won't run on a Palm.

*Drool* That's exactly what I was starting to think about as well. I
little hope of coding anything, but would love such an application.
_Ideally_ we'd want a Palm OS application in which you select weapons
your fleet's available list), rnages,  and targets, and the app rolls
dice, calculates damage, and beams the info over to your opponent's
Palm/Visor/etc, which in turn automatically marks off hull and rolls
damage for its ships. Now _that's_ a project.

That aside, I still haven't found an application I like to translate a
spreadsheet format to an SSD. All the dedicated programs seem
and freehanding it is so time consuming.


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