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Re: 3D FT

From: Tom Granvold <Thomas.Granvold@e...>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 13:39:26 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: 3D FT

Channing Faunce <> wrote:
> How about a mount designed along the lines of those rotating rings you
> are strapped into that are attached at opposite points.
> example: 
> This alows the ship to be 'rolled', the grey ring to be 'pitched', and
> the black ring to be 'yawed'.
> Don't know if this could be scratch-built, but if any one wants to
> try...

   Sure it could be scratch-built.  The question I have is how to
do the pivot points and how to lock the ship into position once it
has been rotated to a new postion.  Maybe have screw threads on the
ends of the various axis' where a nut would be attached.  Loosen
a nut to rotate the ships and then tighten it again to keep it there.

Tom Granvold			<>

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