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Re: FT tryout

From: "Bren Mayhugh" <jygro@h...>
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 16:38:17 EST
Subject: Re: FT tryout

>After a lot of advice I've decided to go with:
>NAC 2 Furious CE and a Majestic BC versus
>ESU 2 Gorshkov CG(?) and a Manchuria BC

These sound like an interesting battle.  At my game club, I give each
about 750 points.  (4 to 6 ships).  It allows everyone to get a feel for

fleet combat.  We however use cinematic rules so a fleet would take a
longer to move.

>Can anyone suggest a possible best tactic for each side. To me it looks

>like long range sniping for the ESU versus the NAC getting close and 

Last time, the ESU and NAC fleets went toe to toe with each other in the

front arc and the ESU tore the NAC fleet to shreds.  Most of the NAC
better drives ton for ton for the ESu fleet and need to use them to get
the rear arcs for the ESU ships have more weapon systems than the NAC.

Just my thought.  I'm not sure though!

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