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Re: Modeling Honor Harrington Ships.

From: Tom Granvold <Thomas.Granvold@E...>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 10:23:40 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Modeling Honor Harrington Ships.

Nyrath the nearly wise wrote:
> Rand wrote:
> > Projecting a cone for both open aspects of the wedges.  (Cone
> > is not an easy bit of math)
> > Anyone that's done any game design can tell you these are not
> > problems.
>	Agreed that this is non-trivial math.
>	Question: could some *analog* gimmick do the job?
>	I'm visualizing a paper cone you put on the nose of
>	the target ship, while somebody else shoots a laser
>	pointer at it. If the red dot appears on the *inside*
>	of the cone, the target is fresh out of luck.

   My thought is to put each spaceship inside a clear plastic sphere,
which would have the edges of various sidewalls, etc. drawn on the
sphere.  Then shine a laser pointer from the firing ship to the target
ship.  Where the laser lights up the sphere is where the shot hits.

   Also, to see if a particular broadside can hit a target just shine
the laser from the target back to the attacker, then if it the laser
shines inside the area for a broadside then that broadside is able to
fire on that target.

Tom Granvold				<>

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