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Also, shameless commerce division Re: Buffy and Triniity...

From: devans@u...
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 08:49:27 -0600
Subject: Also, shameless commerce division Re: Buffy and Triniity...

Yeah, but where did the not-Puppeteer come from?!?! I can't find it
anywhere! *sniff* I suppose it's a scratchbuild.

I recently picked up a large number of GZG groppo blisters on eBay,
as SGII, but about half Combat Babes. The other half was almost
Japanese merc support weopens, not exactly what I figure I should build
the squads from.

Anyone,preferable in the US, interested in swapping for other SGII or
FTII-based figs? The Combat Babes are all 'gunblade' equiped.

The seller was good enough to offer to buy back any, pro-rated by the
but it was a darn good deal...


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