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Re: Alternate history[Here's my Timeline](long)

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@A...>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 01:34:46 -0500
Subject: Re: Alternate history[Here's my Timeline](long)

/Lurker decloak mode

Just a question...Back in the 80's I saw a TV program about Canada's
struggle to remain a country.  They were running around asking citizens
various provences what they thought should happen if Canada did break
up.  The
general consensous of those asked, (excepting Quabeck...OK my spelling
lacking -- Sorry!  I live in Michigan, and there are places here I still
trouble with!  :-)   ) if Canada did break up, they had no objections to
the U.S.  Then I heard the Maritime provences stating that they
definitly would
join the U.S. upon breakup...Shortly thereafter, the vote was supposedly
by one(or a handfull?) to remain a country...

Is what I heard back then the truth?
Or was I having delusions?
Or did I just hear it wrong?

Could someone in the know please clear this up for me?

If that was true...Then canada would eventually disappear and the U.S.
bigger.  The long term effects would be increased natural resources for
U.S., and Canada would finally get a first rate post office.  (Or has
that been
fixed since then?  So hard to get news of other countrys...)


/Lurker cloak mode

Donald Hosford

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