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From: Thomas Barclay of the Clan Barclay <kaladorn@h...>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 01:00:33 -0500
Subject: Climate

Well, in my 28 years here, I've shoveled the drive way once. In summer,
it does get hot, but every place has AC. _Every Place_. We have a fall
and Spring that are incredibly long. November and December were still in

the 50s - 70s for the most part. Tonight I rode the bike and didn't have

to bundle up like the Stay Puffed Marshmello Man.

** Pah, shows how wimpy most folk from the South have become. I wear
shorts in November and into December some years up here. Shorts and a T
shirt till the temperature drops to about the single digits in celsius.
and I've worn a kilt and my dress jacket in weather a darn site colder
than that and not wanted more than a nose warm... nicely provided by
some fine 15 year old single malt. Bundle up? I'm wearing a light coat
and a sweater in anything less than -15 C. Don't need the parka till
then. And you can bet, when the temp gets to plus temps again, it'll be
happy day, here comes spring. :)

> bearable. Fall and Spring are awesome seasons. We don't get many
> we get few earth tremors (Canadian Shield and all) and we don't get
> many Tornados, and pretty much zero in the realm of Typhoons, Tropical

Close to no Tornado's here. Very little over all. The ones we had
recently were in the flat part of the state.

** Before or after? <Joking>  They are pretty rotten and I wouldn't wish
them on anyone.

> You go ride your bike and enjoy your 67 F. When it hits 107 in the
> summer, then we'll talk about how nice it is up here in the land of
> Mukluk and the Igloo.... ;)

I just go faster or ride at night.

** I lived in the Prairies and we had some days where that was the
strategy. Do things in the evening when things cooled down. Though mind
you, that looses a goodly part of the day.

I have more pleasnt days than you I
think for things out doors. I prefer more green.

** We got plenty of it... just sometimes hiding under white. If it gets
too warm, green turns yellow. That's no joy. And in the fall, we get
colours the like of which a lot of folk will never see - reds, yellows,
golds, crimsons, and some other shades too. A virtual sunburst of
colour. If I wanted excellent weather, I'd move to Cuba. 1 Apr and they
have a nice constant 27 C with a great sea breeze and the most
breathtaking shoreline and sandy beaches (Varadero anyway). But... I'd
miss the snow. I'd like it to stay less long, but I'd miss it if it left
entirely. (Though I hope it stays away on the Lancaster pilgrimage....)

** To draw this On-Topic:
I suspect hot climates and oxygen thin climates etc. would result in
troops reaching the Fatigued state (with attendant morale penalties)
sooner. Similarly, they'd then moved to exhausted. The mechanics already
sort of exist. I might make troops engaged in activity (combat moves,
close assaults, shooting, etc) check in real severe cases on an action
by action basis to avoid dropping one fatigue level. Or run an
accumulator if that's how you prefer.
As for cold, same deal. Different cause, similar in-game effect.
Jungle, Swamp and Snow would all of course have movement effects and
probably vehicles would run the risk of getting stuck.... (keep that in
mind those of you planning to drive vehicles through my swamp at


"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

Homepage: http:\\\~kaladorn\index.html
ICQ: 58316640 (Tomin8tor)

"Ah. I see. Inform me if there is any change in his condition."
<hangs up the phone>
"How is he?"
"He's dead."
-- The movie Top Secret

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