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Re: Publication, was Re:apology for the unwashed

From: "J Sadler" <jsadler@e...>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:56:59 +1100
Subject: Re: Publication, was Re:apology for the unwashed

>I see five options:
>a) Jon does all the work, keeps all the money
>b) Mr.. Lister does all the work, Jon keeps all the money,
>Lister gets his name on the cover
>c) as b but Jon pays a one time flat fee
>d) as b but Jon pays a percentage of the profit
>e) combination of c and d

Of course, all of this _is_ rather moot... it's up to Jon. <big cheesy

Of course, we can all dreaaaaaaaaaaam of what we want.. :)

>On the one hand, the more titles you have out, the more income
>potential there is (ie Jon's chances are better to sell 1 each
>FT, MT, FB, FB2,  than 4 FT books).  On the other hand, you
>can't put out titles too quickly or you'll overload your
>audience.  The gripping hand is, if new titles come out in
>several interest areas ( say a FT book, then a book for the
>groundpounders, the Full Metal Codpiece, then Fleet Thrust, then
>another SG2 book, then Full Metal Chainmail Bikini, then Full
>Metal Hero: the RPG, and so forth)....

I agree with the above. I vote we take away Jon's Real Life (TM) and
him to his desk to ensure he completes all tasks we set for him. :)

On a more serious note.. there's plenty of websites about (<plug>
Stargrunt II Web Site </plug>) with
additions, changes and ideas etc for all three systems. The whole basis
the GZG line is the ability to do with it as you will.

Are we regressing to our childhood need for the newest and latest
You-Beaut You-Must-Have-This-To-Play-The-Game-Or-Else"? :-)

There's also plenty of ideas out there that haven't yet been birthed.
induce a few of them, shall we?

Jeremy Sadler
Unofficial Stargrunt II Web Site
"My Father forsake me, the town forsake me... I'm completely forsook." -
Jesus, South Park

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