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Re: What is FMA?

From: J Noble <jnoble@a...>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 20:51:48 -0900
Subject: Re: What is FMA?

Could I also get a copy - The FMA stuff came out on my 6 month hiatus 
from the list (been basically lurking for the past 3 months)


>Great! Could some kind soul please forward these to me at
> >>Jon, do you mind me sending a new listee the FMA stuff as a txt
file? It's
> >>lurking somewhere in the stygnian depths of my hard drive...
> >>
> >>Upon St3 Jon's approval and signing of 'a host of terrible
> >>oaths of secrecy' (nice line, Tom), I'll send out a copy to a
> >
> >:-)
> >Yes, that's OK provided all the stuff in the intro sections of the
draft is
> >intact.
> >
> >Jon (GZG)

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