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Re: Jericho

From: Phillip Atcliffe <Phillip.Atcliffe@u...>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 10:50:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Jericho

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000 08:57:00 +0000 Tony Francis <> 

> Phillip Atcliffe [Hey! I know him! <g>] wrote:
>> Okay, Noam -- just what _is_ this Jericho thing that you keep 
referring to? I looked on the Brigade website, but couldn't find any 
mention of it. Did I miss it somehow, or do you know something that I 
don't? <<
> The Jericho is an unreleased battlecruiser model -- it's on the 
Design Studio page (where I put pictures of new and upcoming stuff). 
There's a picture of the unassembled bits of the master, and a CGI pic 
of roughly what it'll look like when assembled. <

Thanks, Tony. Found the pics. Now I want some! <drool...>

"If you let a smile be your umbrella... you'll get wet teeth!"
   -- a forgotten comedian, quoted by me: Phil Atcliffe

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