Leader Replacement
From: Thomas Barclay of the Clan Barclay <kaladorn@h...>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 01:21:30 -0500
Subject: Leader Replacement
Funnily enough at Platoon Level, the Platoon Sergeant will generally
have a
much better grasp of tactical combat than the Platoon Commander unless
Army/Military Officer promotion scheme revolves around promoting from
ranks. A junior officer graduates from the Academy, spends one or two
(maybe three?) as a Platoon Commander and then moves on to other
staff training maybe specialist platoon etc.
The Sergeant will have spent maybe 6 to 10 years in his trade before
Platoon Sergeant rank and in most cases will have participated in dozens
not more platoon/company operations.
In game turns I would be inclined to see the Platoon Comd replacement
have a
higher chance of a better Leadership.
1,2,3 Better
4,5 Same
6 worse
** Owen, your background as a platoon sergeant (bias? nay! not our
Owen!) is showing <*big grin*>
** FWIW, you might be right. Though I think in some armies an Lt. stays
in the job longer than in others.
At squad/section level it may be a little different Generally the Squad
Leader/Section Commander is the senior and most experienced soldier.
who replaces him is most likely to be of equal skill or worse rather
1 Better
2,3,4 Same
5,6 Worse
** Well, I'd agree with that, except that I've seen a few cases where
you had a section with 2 MCpls, one acting as squad leader, the other as
2ic because there wasn't a sergeant available and a corporal, or
whatever. But I guess this is the more rare case. Generally there may be
a disparity of skill.
Plus, I think at the Company level, if you lose your Commander, and a
Pltn Cmdr takes over, I *don't* think things likely get better. I get
the impression higher level officers have harder jobs, more info to
manage, and acquire different skills which the younger fellows who'd
succeed them tend not to have yet. So I think the chart for
Squad/Sections probably applies to Company level too.
Generally I get around this by assigning the leadership of the Lt, the
PSgt, and the Sgts or MCpls leading the squads. Then I only worry about
losing squad leaders.
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness
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"Ah. I see. Inform me if there is any change in his condition."
<hangs up the phone>
"How is he?"
"He's dead."
-- The movie Top Secret