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Re: FT: battles report

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 08:50:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: FT: battles report

On 26-Jan-00 at 18:23, Beth Fulton ( wrote:
> G'day Glen,
> >Next combat I will use SMs.	Any suggestion for general design?
> >Lots of small SM ships?  Several medium or 1 large ship?
> >Racks or magazines?	Each of his BBs have about 6 PDS and an ADFC,
> >so if there are two BBs it will be a lot of PDS to penetrate.  And he
> >about 4-6 C1s per BB.
> I prefer magazines in place of racks becuase it usually takes a couple
> waves (for me) to kill so use the space (thus racks = wasted space). I
> usually hust go for having them on all my ships (and then having
> small-large ships in the fleet) rather than on one mega-ship as a
> shot/concentrated fire can't remove them all in one go. 
> The first few time you use them I'd also put your spread down netlike
> if you guess wrong hopefully they won't all miss), once you've got the
> of them you can put them in clumps for bigger effects.

Against thrust 1 ships make that a small net. :)  I think I'll disagree
about the racks vs launchers.  It's all about overwhelming the defenses.
12 PDS's will take out about 3 SM's, so if you fire 6 every time you
lose half of every wave.  If you fire twelve once you lose 1/4.

Of course, this assumes hits every time, but with thrust 1's...


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