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Copyright infringement (was Re: Could someone make me decals?)

From: Thomas Pope <tpope@c...>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 07:51:43 -0500
Subject: Copyright infringement (was Re: Could someone make me decals?)

-MWS- wrote:
> You have obviously not had to deal with this issue, and no I am not
> you.	The potential statutory fines for willful copyright infringement
> up to $100,000 according to Section 501.C.2 of Title 17, and the last
> I looked the fact that it's for "personal use only" doesn't exempt one
> liability.

Can you clarify that a bit?

For instance, how about the following set of circumstances:

1) I draw Beavis and Butthead on a piece of paper
2) I draw Beavis and Butthead on a computer and print the page
3) I draw Beavis and Butthead and ask a friend of mine to print it
4) I draw Beavis and Butthead and pay Kinkos to print it
5) I draw Beavis and Butthead and pay XYZ decal company to make decals

Where is the line drawn between somebody minding their own business and


Thomas Pope
Human Computer Interaction Institute
Carnegie Mellon University

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