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Re: [SG2] Impact / Armor roll die shifts?

From: Michael Sarno <msarno@p...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 20:25:41 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG2] Impact / Armor roll die shifts?

-MWS- wrote:

> Thanks, Mike, but that still leaves the "open shift" aspect of the
> Impact/Armor rolls a little confused. :-)
> Example: Trooper with Lasgun (2/d8) rolls for a potential hit against
> Marine in Light Power Armor (d10).
> Marine is out in the Open: No shift, Impact d8 against Armor d10.
> Marine is in Soft Cover:   One shift, Impact d8 against Armor d12.
> Marine is in Hard Cover:   Two shifts, Impact d6(?) against Armor d12.
> It's the last case that I'd like confirmed. <g>

    Right, that's how an open shift works and according to the rules it
should be
applied in this situation.


Michael Sarno
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 And yours is no less noble because no drum beats
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 And no crowds shout about your coming when you
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