RE: [SG2, DS2] Squad chain-of-command?
From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 14:12:43 -0500
Subject: RE: [SG2, DS2] Squad chain-of-command?
In the Moonbase Xi DS2 scenario that I ran at GZG-ECC, I provided a
leadership level for each element. I numbered each element, then drew
chits for leadership for each element. When the leader (element 150) was
killed, the next number alive took command (element 151). His level was
determined, so no rolling was required during game time. Note: the
were NOT arranged in order by leadership. Thus a 5 element unit could
the following chain of command:
150-2 151-2 152-3 153-1 154-2
So if 150 and 151 was lost, 152 would be in command with a leadership of
even though 153 had a better leadership (the best don't always get
ahead of those less competent).
This worked well. Experienced players thought it unnecessary, but less
experienced players stated that it was nice not to have to look up
I have also toyed with the idea of pregenerating quality for each
The unit quality would be the average of the elements with the leader's
quality counting as 2 elements. Green counts as 0, Regular as 1, Veteran
2, and Elite as 3. Thus the following unit would start with
Leadership/Quality of 2/Regular (2*2(V)+3*1(R)+1*0(G)/5 = 1.4 =
150-2V 151-2R 152-3G 153-1R 154-2G
If the leader, element 150, gets killed the group remains Regular
(3*1+1*0 =
3/4 = .75 ~ 1). If elements 150 and 151 buy it, the group goes to Green
((3*0+1*1=3)/3) = .3 ~ 0 = Green. And if elements 150 and 153 buy it the
group remains regular (2*1+2*0 = 2/3 = .67 ~ 1 = Regular).
This would give a new mechanic where a unit could change quality as it
Brian Bell
> -----Original Message-----
> From: -MWS- []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 5:45 AM
> To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: Re: [SG2] Squad chain-of-command?
> At 09:22 AM 1/26/00 +0000, you wrote:
> >>Greetings, folks!
> >>
> >>Here's a question that isn't clear from the SG2 rulebook. When you
> create
> >>a Squad, do you normally designate the [potential] subcommander
ahead of
> >>time as a particular model in the unit, or do you roll randomly for
> new
> >>unit commander if & when the original one is killed?
> >
> >Normal practice is to have a designated assistant squad leader from
> >start, but if he is killed too (before or after the SL buys the farm)
> then
> >a random roll to see who else takes over is reasonable.
> >
> >Jon (GZG)
> OK, but this really begs the question. Do you penalize the squad for
> losing the 2nd Looie if the Commander buys the farm and one of the
> has
> to take over? It would seem reasonable to me that if both commanders
> down and one of the enlisteds is in command, that the chances of
> good leadership levels should be decreased . . .
> ===================================================================
> Mark "Hauptmann" Shurtleff
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