Re: An apology for the unwashed Re: Heard at The Local Game Store...
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 09:32:17 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: An apology for the unwashed Re: Heard at The Local Game Store...
On 25-Jan-00 at 09:31, ( wrote:
> I still maintain that FTII vs SGII/DSII are very different feel and
> learning curves.
> A person that expects FTII in squads or tanks would be likely to get
> put off before giving the rules a sufficient go. I know I did.
> I know I also found the DSII rule structure a bit diffuse. Didn't
> we have a discussion about a possible 'DSII lite' write up?
> Anyone that wants to pound me for not seeing such an animal in the
> book is welcome to do so.
I don't have DSII yet, however, I do have SGII. One of the things
mentionned in SGII is that SGII makes use of lessons learned from
DSII. Are chits one of the things learned? I like SGII, but I
keep hearing about these chits and what a nuisance they are in
DSII. Has anyone done DSII sans chits or chit emulation?