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re; [SG2} Converting W40k players

From: dadams@p...
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 10:31:11 +1000
Subject: re; [SG2} Converting W40k players


Greetings, folks!

Does anyone have a reasonably comprehensive unit conversion list for
to SG2 stats?	 I am *not* a WH player, but almost everyone that I play
Clan War and Heavy Gear with is, so I figured I could get more local
players interested in SG2 if I could leverage their existing miniatures
into the game.	I've been wanting to pick up SG2 myself, as the Full
scene around here is rather quiet lately.

I am (It the only way I can fight minitures in Sydney). Owen Glover and
discussed this at Cancon. The problem is that W40K is that players
expect an
equal fight due to the point system, while in SGII this is almost
unless both sides use exactly the same army. It is possable to use the
40k point
values and use the SGII system, and is possably the way to ween them

The morale system in SGII is far supieor to W40K, and I would advise it
to be
used in place of the W40k rules.

Color chits:

Ld <= 5 : Green
Ld <= 7 : Regular
Ld <= 8 : Veteren
Ld >= 9 : Elite

Leadership Number: Random or set by the morale.

Confidence Level : Set on the Scenerio or

Imperial Guard and Dark Eldar  : Steady (With Elites Confident)
All Others : Confident


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