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Re: FT: needle hits on drives

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 21:30:04 +0000
Subject: Re: FT: needle hits on drives

>> > >	This brings up a question:
>> >  >
>> >  > If two hits by needle beams are scored on the manuever drive in
>> >  > one volley does the drive get reduced to 0 or just to 1/2 as if
>> >  once?
>> >
>> >  A 1-point drive gets reduced to 0 on the first needle hit or
>> >  threshold roll. Not sure if the rules say this explicitly
anywhere, but
>> >  it's in the FT FAQ at...
>> I know that his drive 1 when hit is 0.
>> I was asking for higher drive rated ships.  All ships would
>> be vulnerable to this.
>> Glen
>I would have to say that the drive is completely toasted.

[OFFICIAL rules adjudication mode on....]

Yes. Two needle hits kill the drive completely, whether they occur in
same turn or not.
Halving of drive power (due to needler OR threshold) also rounds down
the remaining thrust, so thrust 5 drops to 2, 3 to 1, 1 to 0 etc.

[OFFICIAL rules adjudication mode off....]


Jon (GZG)

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