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Re: [ds2, sg2] Weird Idea - Permasmoke

From: Samuel Reynolds <reynol@p...>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 14:21:41 -0700
Subject: Re: [ds2, sg2] Weird Idea - Permasmoke

>  I was up too late and had this weird idea for SF combat --
>What's permasmoke? It is an aerosol compound that is delivered using
>artillery shells, modified smoke projectors (vehicles), or by grenade.
>compound comes in two parts. The first part is sprayed into the air to
>an area. The second part is released and creates a reaction. The
>generates a solidifying foam (think of expanding foam for insulation).
>creates a permanent smoke on the battlefield. The permasmoke can be
>by using a catalyst on it. It will also degrade over time if exposed to
>rain. It is also easily damaged. It hit by heavy weapons fire
>it takes damage. Give it 6 hit points. Damage is done by chit draw (all
>colors valid, boom chit removes it completely, other specialty chits no
>Brian Bell
Call it an aerogel, and we could probably do it today.
I don't have any references, but a search for aerogel
on your favorite search engine should turn up something.
The main difficulty would be delivery (as a smoke grenade/
shell) and making it disperse and solidify rapidly.
Functions exactly like a smoke cloud, for combat purposes.
Any vehicle or PA passing through it will destroy (collapse)
it. Non-PA infantry can pass through it (without destroying
it), but must draw 1 chit (red valid, ignore specials) for
damage to infantry.
Destruction of aerogel obstruction:
   Draw 1 chit (all colors) for heavy weapon firing through
the aerogel. If it's a damage chit, give 1 damage to the aerogel.
Otherwise, as you describe above.
Compare it to smoke generator/grenade for cost/mass.
- Sam
Samuel Reynolds
Full Thrust at Spinward Stars:
Armageddon Outfitter:
Reynolds Virtual Workshop:,

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