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Re: FT tactics vs slow ships, tiny ships are toast

From: BDShatswell@a...
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 14:35:58 EST
Subject: Re: FT tactics vs slow ships, tiny ships are toast

In a message dated 01/22/2000 6:43:29 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

> Tell me a tactic that works against this.  Cinematic movement.  I know
>  first response: SMs.  Give me a sample fleet of this and then try one

> without
>  overdoing the SMs (I try to stay in a Star Trek flavor since I use
>  miniatures most of the time).

Hiya Glenn, 

Well, that does depend on your flavor of ST.  Do you mean Star Fleet
 Or something more true to the series?	If the latter, you are stuck
outbeaming him.  There is a possibility too that the designs of the Star
universe are not well-suited to play against these BBs.  Would you mind 
showing us some of your designs?  What is your fleet composition?  It
that your opponent's two BBs compose around 80% of his points.	How many

vessels are you fighting against?  Are you playing on a floating map or 
static map?  One thing you might be able to do to defeat his fleet is to

introduce a fleet-composition house rule.  We had such a rule in Brian
Cygnus fleet game (URL: that 
worked quite well I think.

Have you considered the Klingons?  ;-)	Their designs are beam-heavy. 
they look cool ta boot!  Hmm, I think I'll stop by Armageddon Outfitter
(URL: and whip up a
BB in a bit just to see what it looks like. . .

You COULD design ships with 3-arc C2s on one broadside that could roll
necessary.  The design would be lopsided and odd.  For cinematic
though, it allows you to circle him at the range of your choice.  I have
attempted this, and it would be much more difficult on a static map. 
And it 
might be considered cheese, but sometimes we fight fire with fire.  :-)

Bill Shatswell

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