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[OT] website design

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 21:33:11 -0500
Subject: [OT] website design

Now that we've determined that most people can see CSS, I'm
about to redesign my website.  The question then arises, what do
people want to see?  I've had some thoughts:

Astrography (star class, location, and routes)
Planetography (mass, location, climate etc)
Demographics (population size, ethnic groups, religion)
Economics (GNP total and per capita, tax rate)
Government structure
Relations with other countries

size, budget, and organization
Ship designs
Paint scheme for minis
Special/experimental weapons

Size budget & organization
Small unit designs
Paint scheme for minis

Famous Actions (scenarios)
Important People
Important Organizations

Now, I'm not necessarily going to implement all of this for each
nation I work on, but I'm curious--which of those pages would
you be sufficiently interested in to click a link?  What I have
not included that you'd want to see?  (Note: flaky Alarishi
sovereignities are excluded from that last question, as I will
assume for the sake of my ego that everyone is interested in
that--and don't tell me differently....).

Prev: Re: FT tactics vs slow ships, tiny ships are toast Next: Re: Simultaneous fire [was UK/US in balkans (as the UN)]